The Global Learning Medallion program motivated me to expand my horizons and apply for leadership developing opportunities within campus. I served in the Italian Club Eboard for three consecutive years as the Secretary (2015), Treasurer (2016) and President (2017-2018). This involvement gave me a chance to engage with the community and share my passion for the Italian culture.
The Italian Club's table at the 2016 FIU Language Day.
End of the Fall 2017 semester lunch with some members of the Italian Club.
Flyer for one of the Italian Club's "Chiacchierata" events.
Through networking and constant engagement with the Italian community not only at Florida International University, but also outside of campus, I was able to obtain an internship within the Electoral Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Miami. This internship has evolved into a temporary part-time position within the Citizenship Office of the consulate. I have also offered my services as an official translator for cultural events and as a volunteer for the event in celebration of Italy's Republic Day.
Myself (right) and two interns from Italy (middle and left) that are completing a three month period at the consulate.
List of sponsors for the event in celebration of Italy's Republic Day.
Setting up of the Coral Gable's Country Club ballroom for the event in celebration of Italy's Republic Day.
GL Courses:
The Global Learning courses offered at FIU were an incredible source of enlightenment throughout my journey in this program. After taking my first GL course, I enjoyed it so much that I enrolled in the Global Learning Medallion program to explore other similar classes and live the whole global learning experience. The GL courses not only offer an extra insight into the application of theory outside of the classroom, but also allow students to gain a more wholesome perspective of the world that surrounds us.
Picture taken from online gallery for the 2017 FIU Language Day.
GL Courses Taken:
EVR 1001 "Intro to Environmental Science"
REL 3308 "Studies in World Religions"
ITA 3500 "Italian Culture and Society"
ANT 4473 "Anthropology of Globalization"
IDS 3333 "Diversity of Meaning"
LBS 3480 "Intro to Conflict Resolution"
WST 3015 "Intro to Global Gender"